Our 2015 European Adventure

Saturday, 6.13.2015

(yes, this is day two as we lost a day leaving on 6.11 and landing on 6.12 so it seemed like one day)

We awoke sometime before 6 a.m. and wait to hear movement. After a while John prepares eggs and bacon for breakfast and we give the boys Seattle Seahawks t-shirts. They put on their new shirts and we snap a picture to send to Grandpa John and then we’re all headed out to the Arnhem market (the town where John works).

We got to see the old wall of the city and then purchased a windmill charm at the Pandora store and tried Haring (with onions) and Kipling (fish without chips). Andrew is really the Haring champ and would probably eat a dozen of the little slimy critters.

After the market it was off to the Openluchtmuseum. This is a place where they bring true period items (including houses, barns, windmills, etc.) so you can see how life was in years gone by. We get to see craftspeople spinning yarn, making beer, making cheese and making paper. And we have a lunch of pannenkoeken and poffertjes. After that I even tried a sip of the “weiss” beer (not terrible). And most importantly, Andrew and Lucas educated me on the “Wildepisst”.

Dinner was back at the Rowland home for chicken and sausage on the barbeque and we began construction of the “S.S. Seahawk”, a cardboard and duct tape sailboat that became Lucas’ and Dave’s project. We made it till about 9:30 p.m. and we were finished.